Kamis, 15 Juli 2010

Met, Laughed, Learned to love, Lost, Hurt

If love was a bird
Then we wouldn't have wings
If love was a sky
We'd be blue
If love was a choir
You and I could never sing
Cause love isn't for me and you

If love was an Oscar
You and I could never win
Cause we can never act out our parts
If love is the Bible
Then we are lost in sin
Because its not in our hearts

So why don't you go your way
And I'll go mine
Live your life, and I'll live mine
Baby you'll do well, and I'll be fine
Cause we're better off, separated

If love was a fire
Then we have lost the spark
Love never felt so cold
If love was a light
Then we're lost in the dark
Left with no one to hold

If love was a sport
We're not on the same team
You and I are destined to lose
If love was an ocean
Then we are just a stream
Cause love isn't for me and you

So why don't you go your way
And I'll go mine
Live your life, and I'll live mine
Baby you'll do well, and I'll be fine
Cause we're better off, separated

Ray I know we had some good times
It's sad but now we gotta say goodbye
Ray you know I love you, I can't deny
I can't say we didn't try to make it work for you and I
I know it hurts so much but it's best for us
Somewhere along this windy road we lost the trust
So I'll walk away so you don't have to see me cry
It's killing me so, why don't you go

yes everyone, I just broke up with my beloved boyfriend, Ray. I think 6 months it's a short while for us. But it's enough to make me love you, know who you are, undertand you, get close with your family, and many else. Thanks for amazing 6 months 20 days. If it's the best for us, i accept this sincerely. I hope one day, you'll get someone whose better than me, can understand you more than i do for you, love you what ever you are, not dissapoint you, and always make you glad because of her. May God always bless you Ray. I still love you until this second but I know must try to move on. I will never regret what we had together. I hope you'll be my good friend and so do I. You can keep my word, I promise :')

Hey ya

Wah udah lama banget gak nge blog. Karna satu dan lain hal gue jadi niat-niat engga buat update blog ini. By the way, setelah lulus SMA gue libur lama nih, jamuran banget. Lama-lama jadi kangen banget sama yang namanya sekolah. 2 bulan gak nge blog pastinya gue udah ngelewatin banyak hal. Mau diceritain satu-satu juga gak bakalan bisa secara gue juga udah lupa detail nya ngapain 2 bulan ini. Yang pasti ada suatu moment yang ngebuat keadaan diri gue berubah, gak sama kayak 3, 4, 5, 6 bulan yang lalu

Senin, 10 Mei 2010


Kemarin Minggu, 9 Mei 2010 sekitar jam 12an siang gue dapet berita duka dari temen gue, Vanny. Bokapnya, om Ivan baru aja meninggal. Gila gue kaget banget. Gue emang gak gitu kenal sama om Ivan sekedar tau aja, ya secara bokapnya temen deket gue. Setau gue bokapnya Vanny emang gak ada sakit apa2. Siang itu, gue langsung ngelayat ke rumah duka Abadi bareng Ray. Vanny nya masih shock banget. Wajar sih karna bokapnya meninggalnya tiba2 tanpa sebelumnya gak tau sakitnya apa. Kemungkinan jantung.. Umur orang emang gak ada yang tau ya. Hari ini bisa sehat2 aja, besok? ngga ada yang tau.

RIP ya om Ivan Gunawan..

My deepest condolences for you & your family ya Van. You must be tough. Lo harus rela dan ikhlas. Bokap lo udah seneng disana. God bless and keep you always ;)

gue sama anak2 yang lain pasti doa terus buat bokap & keluarga lo.

Kamis, 06 Mei 2010


do you still love me like before? do you still miss me like months ago when you said to me with your honesty, yes i can felt that. And now, why i fell so losing you. I feel you so far away and i so hard to reach you to closer with me again. You now what, i'm so lonely now. I miss you so damn much altough you are not. I want to sleep and when i wake up, i will face the truth that we are okay and everything is alright

Selasa, 04 Mei 2010


hey you, yes you are. YOU MAKE ME SO DAMN SPEECHLESS :(

I can’t belive what you said to me
Last night when we were alone
You threw your hands up
Baby you gave up, you gave up

I can’t believe how you looked at me
With your James Dean glossy eyes
In your tight jeans with your long hair
And your cigarette stained lies

Could we fix you if you broke?
And is your punch line just a joke?

I’ll never talk again
Oh boy you’ve left me speechless
You’ve left me speechless, so speechless

I can’t believe how you slurred at me
With your half wired broken jaw
You popped my heart seams
On my bubble dreams, bubble dreams

I can’t believe how you looked at me
With your Johnnie Walker eyes
He’s gonna get you and after he’s through
There’s gonna be no love left to rye

And I know that it’s complicated
But I’m a loser in love
So baby raise a glass to mend
All the broken hearts
Of all my wrecked up friends

I’ll never talk again
Oh boy you’ve left me speechless
You’ve left me speechless so speechless

I’ll never love again,
Oh friend you’ve left me speechless
You’ve left me speechless, so speechless


And after all the drinks and bars that we’ve been to
Would you give it all up?
Could I give it all up for you?

And after all the boys and girls that we’ve been through
Would you give it all up?
Could you give it all up?

If I promise to you boy
That I’ll never talk again
And I’ll never love again
I’ll never write a song
Won’t even sing along

I’ll never love again
So speechless
You left me speechless, so speechless
Why you so speechless, so speechless?

Will you ever talk again?
Oh boy, why you so speechless?
You’ve left me speechless

Some men may follow me
But you choose “death and company”
Why you so speechless?

heart you!

Selasa, 27 April 2010


Senin, 26 April 2010 jam 9.00 akhirnya gue dapet pengumuman kalo GUE LULUS!!! Gila seneng. lega banget. Gue lulus SMA!!! Kalo ngeliat ke belakang, ya ampun rasanya capek banget sama yang namanya tryout, pm, pulang sore, belajarrrr dan usaha gue gak sia2, akhirnya lulus juga :)

Firstly, i want to say thank you very much for my only God, Jesus Christ. Tanpa Tuhan gue bukan apa2 :)

Mama, papa, Dio buat doanya, supportnya. Love you all, my super family!

Raymond Christantyo Hinze, makasih ya be buat supportnya selama ini, gak bosen2 nya
ngingetin aku belajar. Akhirnya kita lulus juga ya..

ASCUL!! Ika, Karina, Vanny, Delia, Greeta gue cuma mau bilang gue sayang kalian. Seneng bisa lulus bareng, tapi sedih banget pisah kuliah :( gak ada kata2 lain ya yang lebih gede maknanya daripada sahabat? Buat gue kalian lebih dari sekedar sahabat..

Guru2 Makasih banget banget banget buat semuanya. Udah sabar banget ngajarin anak2 yang kepala batu semua, udah bela2 in pulang sore buat ngajar pm, tapi masih banyak aja yang bolos -_- Thanks berat yaaa pak, bu..

anak2 12 IPS 2 hey guys, you're awesome! Lo semua tuh pada bacot banget sih tp ngangenin :)

anak2 angkatan 2009-2010 Absis gue bangga seangkatan sama kalian!!! :D

Makasih ya semua buat doanya!!! Love you full!

Jumat, 16 April 2010


udah lumayan lama ya gak ngeblog. Ini gara2 super sibuk buat ujian nih, but well semuanya nyaris selesai :) uan udah, uas udah, ulprak juga tinggal besok selesai deh :D

cuma 1 kata. AKHIRNYAAAAA!!!!

cepet banget ya 3 taun SMA itu bener2 gak berasa. Perasaan baru kemaren bangga pake putih abu2, masuk kelas 10-1, MOS, eh sekarang gak taunya udah mau lulus aja. Gue deg2 an nih nunggu hasil kelulusan, tapi gue optimis. Ya gue harus optimis kalo gue pasti bisa lulus! Pengumuman masih tanggal 26, which is next week. Hope i'll get good score and totally PASS! Amin :)

But, just wish me luck for tomorrow, speech for my last test! Thank you everyone.

Best regards